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L-Għasfur li jgħanni
L-Għasfur li jgħanni
L-Għasfur li jgħanni
L-Għasfur li jgħanni

L-Għasfur li jgħanni

Regular price €599 Unit price  per 

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Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm

The Singing Bird 

There was a very beautiful poor girl who worked at the  king’s palace. She used to cover her face with ashes so that  nobody would recognise her. One day an invitation arrived  at the palace. A nobleman was organising a feast that would  last for days. Since the girl knew that the prince was invited,  she wanted to go too. She had three magic nuts that her  father had given her before passing away. For three days she  broke a nut, out of which came a beautiful dress and a horse  driven carriage. She rode to the nobleman’s palace and  danced with the prince. But on the fouth day, the girl did not  have a new dress, so she did not go. The prince waited in  vain and seeing him heartbroken, the queen looked for the  mysterious girl. Seeing this the poor girl revealed herself.  The prince married the girl and they had three children; two  boys and a girl. But the queen was disappointed and when  her son was away, she locked up his wife and sent his  children to look for the Singing Bird, knowing that they  would fail and perish. But the youngest, who was a brave  wise girl, managed to find the bird together with an  enchanted cane that granted all wishes. The girl wished for a  silver and gold palace where she and her brothers lived until  their father found them. They freed their mother, and the  whole family reunited. And they lived happily ever after,  entertained by the voice of the Singing Bird. 

L-Għasfur li jgħanni 

Darba kien hemm tfajla sabiħa li kienet taħdem il-palazz tas sultan. Biex ħadd ma jagħrafha, kienet tiżbogħ wiċċha bl irmied. Darba wieħed nobbli ħejja ballu fuq ġimgħa sħiha.  Peress li l-prinċep kien mistieden ukoll, it-tfajla xtaqet tmur.  Għal tlett ijiem, kissret lewż imsaħħar li kien taha missierha  u minhom kienu joħorgu libsa sabiħa u karozzin li kien  iwassalha sal-ballu.Wara t-tielet jum, ma kellhiex aktar xi  żżanżan u għalhekk ma marritx il-ballu. Kemm fittixha l prinċep u kemm sewwed qalbu meta ma sabhiex! Meta rat  hekk, it-tfajla ddeċidiet li tgħidlu l-verita kollha, u l-prinċep  iżżewwiġha, kontra r-rieda t’ommu. Kellhom tlitt itfal; żewġ  subien, u tifla. Iżda meta darba l-priċep kien fuq żjara f’art  oħra, ommu sakkret lil martu u bagħtet lil uliedu jfittxu l Għasfur li jgħanni. Kienet taf li kulmin mar ifittex dan l għasfur imsaħħar qatt ma ġie lura. Iżda ż-żgħira, li kienet  qalbiena u makakka, irnexxilha tagħmlu tagħha. Mhux l għasfur biss, imma saħansitra bastun imsaħħar li kien jaqta  x-xewqat kollha ta’ sidu. It-tifla xtaqet palazz tal-fidda u d deheb, u hemm għexet ma’ ħutha sakemm fl-aħħar sabhom  missierhom. X’ħin sema bl-istorja kollha, il-prinċep ħeles lil  martu, u l-familja kollha għexet kuntenta sal-aħħar, bl-għana  tal-għasfur imsaħħar.

L-Għasfur li jgħanni
L-Għasfur li jgħanni