Gahan u l-Flieles
Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm
Ġaħan u l-Flieles
Omm Ġaħan kellha xi flieles u billi kienet ix-xitwa, kienet tħobb tismot ftit smida biex jisħnu meta jikluha. Darba kellha bżonn toħroġ u ddum ftit. Għalhekk talbet lil Ġaħan biex ma jinsiex jismot l-ismida lill-flieles. Ġaħan, ta’ Ġaħan li kien, ħadha fil-kelma. Qabad borma, imliha bl-ilma u meta sar misħun, xeħet fiha l-ismida u lill-imsejkna flieles.
Meta ġiet ommu, staqsietu jekk kienx ftakar jagħmel dak li kienet talbitu għax kienet taf kemm kellu moħħu żurżieqa. Ferħan, Ġaħan qalilha li kien għamel kollox kif kienet ordnatlu hi, u kixef l-għatu tal-borma.
Kif baqgħet omm Ġaħan meta rat il-flieles fil-misħun!
Ġaħan and the Chickens
Ġaħan’s mother had some chicks. It was winter and she had the habit of boiling their food so that it would warm them up. One day she had to go out and asked Ġaħan to take care of the chick’s boiling. Ġaħan, being who he was, understood that he had to boil the chicks themselves. And that is exactly what he did. He filled up a pot, put it on the fire and threw the poor chicks in the boiling water.
Knowing how forgetful he was, when Ġaħan’s mother came home, she asked him if he had remembered to do what he had to do.
How angry she was when she saw her poor boiled chicks!