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It-Tliet Xebbiet
It-Tliet Xebbiet
It-Tliet Xebbiet
It-Tliet Xebbiet

It-Tliet Xebbiet

Regular price €845 Unit price  per 

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Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm

It-Tliet Xebbiet 

Mela darba, bidwi xiħ miet u ħalla l-għalqa tiegħu b’siġra  tat-tin lil uliedu. Meta t-tin sar, il-kbira mliet qoffa u meta  kienet fi triqtha lejn il-belt biex tbiegħha, iltaqgħet ma tliet  ġuvintur li staqsewha x’kellha fil-qoffa. Hi weġbithom bl 

herra li kellha qoffa qrun. U b’għaġeb tagħha, it-tin inbidel  fi qrun. Ta’ warajha ġralha l-istess u t-tin inbidel f’żibel bħal  ma kienet qalet li kellha. Iż-żgħira iżda, weġbithom li kellha  t-tin u offritilhom. B’ringrazzjament, il-ġuvintur tawha  sarvetta, bastun u vjolin imsaħħrin. Meta waslet id-dar, is sarvetta firxet il-mejda bl-ikel u l-vjolin qajjem lil kulħadd  jiżfen. Saħansitra lill-kelb u lill-qattus. Ħutha l-kbar, iżda  għeru u malajr sabu jif jaħbulha s-sarvetta u l-vjolin.  Għalxejn talbithom biex irodduhom lura. Għajruha miġnuna  u traskurata u li kienet poġġiethom x’imkien u nsiet. Meta  rat hekk, it-tifla ħarġet il-bastun li minnufih infexx isawwat  lil ħutha. “Kollox sew! Kollox sew!” bdew iwerżqu. U ż żgħira ordnat lill-bastun biex jieqaf. Minn dakinhar,  iddeċidew li jsiru aktar ġentili u b’hekk setgħu jgħixu t-tlieta  flimkien bħal aħwa u ma kien jonqoshom xejn. 

The Three Sisters 

Once upon a time, three girls inherited their father’s field,  together with it’s fig tree. When the figs were ripe, the oldest  picked some and was on her way to sell them, when she met  three young men who asked her what she was carrying.  When she replied that she had a basket full of horns, the figs  magically turned into horns. The same thing happened to her  sister, who when replied that she was carrying a basket of  garbage, her figs changed into garbage indeed! The youngest  sister told the young men the truth, and even offered them  some of the figs. In compensation, they gave her a napkin, a  cane and a violin. They were all enchanted. When she  returned home, the napkin magically filled their table with  food and the violin made everyone dance to its tune. Even  the dog and the cat danced. The sisters were jealous. They  hid their sister’s gifts and wouldn’t give them back even  when she pleaded. To this, the young girl ordered the cane to  do its job and it started beating the girls until they confessed  and retuned the stolen gifts to their sister. From that day  onwards, the older sisters changed their evil ways and they  lived happily together as a family.

It-Tliet Xebbiet
It-Tliet Xebbiet