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Dragun Draganti
Dragun Draganti
Dragun Draganti
Dragun Draganti

Dragun Draganti

Regular price €845 Unit price  per 

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Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Etienne Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm

Dragun Draganti 

Sultan kellu tifla sabiħa li ma seta’ jikkuntentaha b’xejn.  Qaltlu li kienet tiżżewweġ biss lil prinċep li jkollu snienu  tad-deheb. B’għaġeb tagħha, darba fost l-oħrajn ġie prinċep  bi snienu tad-deheb u kellha tiżżewġu. Wara li spiċċaw il festini tat-tieġ, il-prinċep ried joħodha f’artu ħa juriha lil  ommu u missieru. Iżda ma damitx ma ndunat li dan ma kien  prinċep xejn, iżda dragun kattiv li sakkarha fl-għar tiegħu u  kien jordnala biex issawwat l-annimali li kien hemm jgħixu  magħha. Darba minnhom, baqra tkellmet u qalet lit-tfajla li  l-annimali kollha kienu fil-verita, bnedmin mibdulin mid dragun. Qaltilha wkoll li kien hemm sebat aħwa li setgħu  isalvawha. Il-prinċipessa bagħtet żewġ ħamimiet lil  missierha u dan sab lill-aħwa u bagħthom jeħilsu ‘l bintu.  Grazzi għas-seħer li kellhom, irnexxilhom jeħilsu lill prinċipessa u jistaħbaw ġo torri. Iżda d-dragun tmasħan,  kisser it-torri u reġa ħarab bit-tfajla. Għaddew is-snin u t tfajla kienet kważi qatgħet qalbha li kienet qatt se ssalva,  meta xiħa qaltilha li s-sebat aħwa kien twildilhom ħuhom  ieħor li kellu s-setgħa li jeħlisha. Pietru, kif kien jismu, kiber  minn tarbija għal ġuvni fi ftit jiem, u grazzi għall-martell li  kellu, qatel lid-dragun, salva lill-prinċipessa u ‘l dawk kollha  li kien hemm fl-għar. Wara li żżewġu baqghu jgħixu kunteni  flimkien għal ħajjithom kollha. 

Dragon Draganti 

A king had a beautiful daughter who was also very hard to  please. She declared that she would only marry a prince who  had golden teeth. One day, such a prince did appear and the  princess had no other choice but to marry him. After the  festivities were over, the prince wanted to take the princess  to his land to meet his parents. However, he turned into a  fierce dragon and she realised he was not a prince. He took  her to his lair and made her beat the animals that he kept  captive. One day, to her amazement, a cow spoke to her and  revealed that the animals he kept were once humans too. The  cow told the girl about seven brothers who were the only  ones who could save them. The girl sent two pigeons to her  father’s castle, carrying a message. The kind found the  brothers and sent them on the quest to free his daughter.  Now these brothers had special powers, thanks to which the  princess managed to escape and to hide in a tower. However  the dragon soon found them, destroyed the castle and took  the princess back. Years later, an old woman told the  princess that the brothers who had tried to save her, had just  become brothers to another brother who grew from baby to man in a few days. Peter, as he was called, was very strong  and soon killed the dragon with his hammer. And the  princess married Peter and they lived happily ever after.

Dragun Draganti
Dragun Draganti