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Tifla Teqred Ġganta
Tifla Teqred Ġganta
Tifla Teqred Ġganta
Tifla Teqred Ġganta

Tifla Teqred Ġganta

Regular price €845 Unit price  per 

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Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm

Tifla Teqred Ġganta 

Kien hemm tliet xebbiet li kienu jitolbu ’l missierhom biex  jiżra l-ful bħal bdiewa l-oħra. Ta’ għażżien li kien, minflok  ma żera l-ful, kielu. Meta l-bdiewa bdew jaqtgħu l-ful, il missier urihom għalqa ta’ ġganta u qalilhom li kienet  tagħhom. Waqt li kienu qed jaqtgħu għal xogħolhom, il ġganta ntebħet u ħarġet għalihom. Ix-xebbiet ħarbu, imma l ġganta rnexxilha taqbad liż-żgħira. Sakkritha u ta’ kuljum  kienet titmagħha ħafna u titlobha ttiha idha ħalli tara jekk  kinitx simnet sew sabiex tikolha. Ix-xebba kienet ittiha id il kelb jew il-qattus, iżda darba dawn ma kinux hemm u l ġgnata ħarġet lix-xebba biex titfagħha fil-forn. Bagħtitha  għand il-ġara biex iġġib il-pala. Iżda l-ġara tħassritha u  qaltilha x’kellha tagħmel biex tinħeles. Meta l-ġganta  qatlilha biex titla fuq il-pala, ix-xebba weġbitha li ma kinitx  taf kif u talbet lill-ġganta biex turiha. Malli l-ġganta telgħet  fuq il-pala, ix-xebba pront għalqet il-bieba tal-forn u marret  tbiddel ħwejjiġha għal meta jiġi l-ġgant. Hekk kif wasal, ix xebba għamlet tabirruħha li kienet il-ġgnata u bdiet tgerger li  x-xebba kienet xeħtet l-imsiebaħ fil-bir. Qatltlu biex jinżel  għalihom u hi żżommu bil-ħabel. Il-ġgant kontra qalbu,  niżel fil-bir. “Għid appa” qaltlu x-xebba. Il-ġgant ried ikun  jaf għaliex. “Inti għid appa”, wiġbitu. “Appa!” qalilha! “U l ħabel skappa!” qaltlu waqt li telqet il-ħabel u l-ġgant għereq  fil-bir. 

The Girl and the Giants 

Three sisters used to ask their father to plant beans. He was  very lazy and he ate the beans instead. When the other  farmers were harvesting, the father showed his daughters the  field of a giant and the girls set off to work. The giantess  soon realised and came after the girls. She managed to  capture the youngest and locked her up to fatten her in order  to make a lovely meal. She used to ask the girl to show her  her arm and the girl used to show her the dog’s or the cat’s.  But one day they were not nearby and the giantess realised  that the girl was ready to be eaten. She sent her to the  neighbour to ask for the baker’s peel. But the neighbour  pitied the girl and told her what she had to do. When the  giantess asked her to sit on the peel, the girl told her to show  her how it is done. As soon as the giantess sat on the peel,  the girl shoved her into the oven and closed its door. She  proceeded to change her clothes and pretended to be the  giantess when the giant came home. Upon his arrival she  started complaining about the girl having thrown all the  lamps in the well and told him that he had to go down to  fetch them, promising him that she would keep him safe  with a rope. When he was down in the well, she spoke to  him. Say “woe” she said. “Why?” asked the giant. “Just say  it!”, she replied. “Woe” he said. “And of the rope I’ll let  go!” And that was the end of the giants.

Tifla Teqred Ġganta
Tifla Teqred Ġganta