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Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar
Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar
Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar
Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar

Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar

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Framed mixed medium on wood
Created by Mark Mallia & Farrell
Size: 40cm x 40cm

Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar 

Darba waħda, sultan f’art ‘l bogħod ħareġ ordni lil kulmin  jgħix aktar minn mitt sena għandu jinqafel f’għar sa ma  jmut. Bidwi twajjeb ma felaħx jidfen ‘l missieru ħaj.  Għalhekk, meta ħadu fl-għar u ġie biex jimbarra t-toqba,  ħallielu toqba għan ninfs u oħra biex iħallilu l-ikel kuljum.  Ftit wara, is-sultan ħareġ b’orndi li ħadd m’għandu jaħdem  ir-raba tiegħu qabel ma jinħadem tas-sultan. Il-bidwi  nkwieta u malajr mar ħa parir mingħand missieru. Ix-xiħ  qallu biex jaħdem ir-raba tas-sultan matul il-jum, u tiegħu  matul il-lejl, u biex juża l-bhejjem biex iħaffulu x-xogħol.  Hekk għamel u s-sultan stagħġeb mhux ftit meta l-qamħ  tiegħu u ta’ dan iż-żgħażugħ kiber flimkien. Xamm li dan  kien żgħażugħ makakk u prova jonsbu. Talbu biex l-għada  jidher quddiemu liebes u għarwien fl-istess ħin. Iż-żgħażugħ  tfixkel. Iżda missieru tah parir biex jilbes xibka tas-sajd.  Daħak is-sultan, iżda għal diversi jiem, baqa jordnalu  ordnijiet strambi li kien żgur li ser ifalli fihom. Iżda ta’ kull  darba, il-bidwi żgħażugħ kien jieħu parir mingħand  missieru, u jgħeleb kull sfida. Saflaħħar is-sultan qata’ qalbu  u staqsa lill-bidwi minn fejn kien ġab dan l-għerf kollu. Iż żgħażugħ wieġbu li kien jieħu l-pariri mingħand missieru, u  li missieru kien midfun f’għar tal-mejtin. Is-sultan għaraf bl iżball li kien għamel u ordna li minn dakinhar ‘l quddiem, l ebda xiħ ma jerġa jindifen ħaj. 

The Old Man who was buried in a Cave 

In a far away land, a king ordered that whoever was over a  hundred years old should be buried alive inside a cave. A  young farmer could not bear to kill his father, so when he  took his father to a cave and bolted the entrance, he made  sure to leave a hole to allow him to breathe, and another to  be able to feed him. Soon the king issued another order.  Farmers had to sow his fields before they sowed theirs. On  his father’s advice, the young man worked in the kings’s  fields during the day and in his own during the night. He  bought beasts to ease the job. As the wheat grew in the  king’s fields, so it did in the farmer’s. The king was curious  and sent for the young man who explained what he had  done. The king realised that this man was cunning, so he  tried to play a game with him, asking him to appear before  him, both naked and dressed. Puzzled, the young man  sought his father’s advice. The next day, he went to the  palace wearing a fishing net. The king was amused and after  trying to trick the young man through other challenges, he  asked him what was the secret for his wisdom. The young  farmer told him about his old father who was buried alive in  the cave of the dead. The king realised that he had  committed a grave mistake and ordered that from that day  onwards, old people would be allowed to continue to live  and to give their sound advice.

Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar
Ix-Xiħ midfun ġo Għar